You Need a Protégé
‘We’re all treading in someone else’s footsteps.’
A Timothy is someone that we pour ourselves into. They are the ones that we leave behind to continue what we’ve started or to build something brand new because of what we’ve taught them.
Timothy was Paul’s protégé, his heir and apprentice. Historically, scholars gather that Timothy was probably about 16 when he was first called ‘my son’ by Paul (the same term of endearment Peter used to refer to his protégé, John Mark). Paul brought Timothy along on his travels, elevating him beyond his station and introducing him to a larger context. Paul vouched for Timothy, lending the young man some credibility in the newly founded Christian church.
Not every pupil inherits the mantle of his master…sometimes the cream of Peter and Paul turns out to be skimmed milk. But of whom can you say ‘that’s my protégé’?
Will you have any heirs? Who will inherit your work? Who will continue your legacy?
A Timothy cannot develop without the patience of presence. When the baton is passed, however, Timothy typically tries to grab the wrong end or may not run in the direction we thought. What we have to remember is that Timothys are heirs, not clones.
Reproduction is a process of inaccurate, flawed self copying. Joshua was not a Moses clone, Timothy was not a Paul clone. We are not clones…we are ‘mashups’. A mashup is a musical term referring to a song that’s been remixed with other musical elements – differing beats, rhythms, keys, etc… – to create something brand new!
In order for a mashup to work, what Timothys need most are ‘sounding boards’. The process of being a Timothy is a gradual revelation of the song your life is composing…that one song that only you can sing.
Journal Questions:
Saint Benedict said, the young should respect their elders and elders should love their juniors. Who do you think has the harder task?
Can you identify a mentor in your life? Do you think you still need one?
A mentor doesn’t always have to be older. What are some ways that the younger may be able to mentor the older? Where do you fit into that?
Is there someone in your life who encourages you to sing the song only you can sing?